You've all heard of 'Yellow Fever' right? No I'm not talking about the viral disease spread by the the bite of an infected female mosquito (refer Wikipedia). I'm talking about"when someone is sexually attracted to Asians to an obsessive degree" (refer Urban Dictionary). The 'someone' in definition generally extends to the white male variety. Well, this post is about the opposite of Yellow Fever which I've dubbed to be 'White Fever'. 

White Fever is not necessarily always a fetishised attraction, but more of a deep-seeded fascination that plays into the notion of 'whites being the superior race'. For some, taking their white partner back to their home countries is praiseworthy and seen as an accomplishment. That sounds....horrible.  It's degrading for both the non-white and white individuals. It sets up unreasonable expectations that some may not be able to deliver (e.g. when a son/daughter immigrates to a Western country, they are expected to send money back home, because they are now seen as of status and wealth.)

Having a white partner is a sign of wealth and prosperity for some families. I think it boils down to wanting to have 'a good healthy, wealthy life'. Seeing as most Asian countries are classed as third world, it makes sense as to why they see white as elite. They see someone that lives a more comfortable life and want that for themselves. But that is no excuse.

I'll often come across non-white individuals that say, I only prefer white men/women. Now, it could be a preference, or it could be something more...messed up. I say this because some of the same people that declare exclusivity to white people only as partners also denounce the men and women in their own culture, despite being brought up in a Non-Western country. 

A predominant trait in Asia is that white folk and the Western World is glorified. White people are held on a pedestal whilst the rest of the country worships them at their feet. If you're white and you happen to be travelling in an Asian country, and you notice blatant stares towards your direction, it's not because your shirt is stained with tomato sauce, it's because you are the most gorgeous commodity that has graced their presence. 

As the child of an immigrant in the West, it feels like another round of White Privilege but this time, it's my own people that are encouraging and influencing it. The difference is that people like me want to become an equal by staying true to our culture and heritage and people like them want to become equal by becoming someone they're not. 

P.S. These are musings based on my experiences and observations. I'm sure there are several other opinions and objections to my perception and I accept them wholeheartedly.

much love,


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