V Nice Amirite? 09/02/2019 It's been 9 hours now that I've gone from very short nails to very long nails. "Ha-ha" you might say. Which means you couldn't possibly know of the state I'm currently in. So far, the only positives of getting pointy shellac ferrari red nails has been that they look badass, they're great for picking your teeth and that my cats are doubly enthusiastic about neck scratches. That's it. I didn't exactly think this through...all that was going through my head was "TREAT YOSELF MAMA!". And so, on my way home from Coles, I stopped by at the Fremantle Nail Salon and booked an appointment for the next hour. If you know know me, you'll know that despite my feminine appearance - I'm far from it. So much so that, my mother used to say that she has three sons not two. Yeah I was the third son lols. Being a tomboy majority of my childhood still affects my knowledge of certain feminine thing...